Hello World!

Ok, I have wanted to start a blog for a long time, but my dyslexia, paired with social anxiety, has always resulted in me deleting any beginnings.

So here we go. Equipped with the confidence of 10 years of putting myself out there in a professional field and Grammarly professional, I am going to take the leap. Throw my voice into the void. Please excuse all miss spelling and bad grammar. Even though I try hard this is where I am at.

Although my content will have breadth, I am going to try and have a focus. Finding the extraordinary in the ordinary. Embracing that, “Even though you have done something before, each and every time is different” (The Makanai)

So With that, I will try to explore one topic that has become core to my being within the last few years, routine. Something I overlooked when I was younger and something I now try to pass on to my son. Previously it was hard for me to understand how doing the same thing over and over could be fulfilling, but that is precisely what I have found. With each new time comes a chance to focus somewhere else and take meaning or comfort or whatever you need at that moment. Routine is a place to fall when everything around you and in you is shifting.

That is not to say routine should be regimented. In fact, I believe the opposite. Being flexible in your routine is what makes it such a powerful tool. It can adapt to each and every day and change over time, meeting you where you are at.

So what are some of my daily routines? I wake up early in the morning, drink coffee, do my face, and walk the dogs. In the evening, I clean the kitchen, shower, do my face, take my vitamins and get to bed early. This has been my core routine for the last six years or so. Now that core routine is interspersed with my one-year-old and his routines.

Ok, that is it for today, I really could go on forever but I would like to try and keep things short and sweet. I look forward to seeing where this evolves.


DIY Dry Shampoo